Good Shepherd prepacked boxes arrived yesterday and will be distributed next Thursday, giving pantry volunteers enough time to add the following to each box: apples, potatoes, eggs, milk, bread and fish. In the meantime, boxes for distribution were filled to the brim with shelf stable food, fresh fruit and vegetables, some form of high quality protein (meat or fish), milk and eggs.

The heavy labor load continues for pantry volunteers with curbside service still operative.

Here are this week’s statistics compared to April 11, 2019:

                              2020                             2019
Households            176                                209.
Adults                     244                                288
Seniors                    92                                 105
Children                 144                                 166
Individuals             450                                 559
New                           4                                    6

The TurnStyle remains closed. In fact, the sorting room and drop room are both being used for storage space as the prepacked Good Shepherd boxes await additional food.

Revenue from sales in the Turn-Style showroom, a significant part of our cash flow, is at a complete standstill. Currently, donations are the only income we are receiving.  At this time especially, financial contributions help us take advantage of our buying power through Good Shepherd and wholesale distributors.

Thank you to those who have donated through our website ( via PayPal and otherwise. We appreciate your keeping us in mind as we continue to feed our hungry neighbors. All people needing food are welcome at our door.

Wishing you all continued good health

’til next time,