Hours for curbside pickup have changed: the service is now offered until 1 PM on Thursdays. Our volunteer crew is limited in numbers and traditionally, the vast amount of pantry users access our services in the morning and very early afternoon so the slight change seemed to make sense.

Here are the comparative numbers:

               April 23, 2020            April 25, 2019
Households  150+                           220
Adults           194                             320
Seniors          79                              114
Children         72                             121
Individuals    395                             555
New               10                               6

Last but certainly not least, heartfelt thanks to the people that continue to donate funds through the mail and on our website through the PayPal portal. You help keep the nutritious food delivery system at the Tree of Life in Blue Hill as vigorous and varied as it is. Clients are sincerely grateful for the consistent availability of groceries in spite of dire announcements on the evening news.

Wishing you all continued good health,