What do lemonade, daffodils, 50 mile runs and cookies have in common?  Among other things, they are all ways charitable people have raised money for the Tree of Life.  Some of these events make the news and are rightfully celebrated..  Others, like the following, just quietly occur.  The valedictorian at George Stevens Academy this year, while still in grammar school, held a cookie sale with her sister.  The siblings tallied their earnings and considered how they might be spent. By mutual consent, they determined other people’s needs were greater than theirs.  The sisters composed a lovely hand written note, enclosed their hard-earned funds and mailed it to the Tree of Life “to help buy food for people”.  We continue to express our gratitude to  the ongoing support shown by our community-at-large.

Currently the pantry is receiving “Covid” deliveries from Good Shepherd. This past week the following foods were delivered on Wednesday: canned fruit, canned soups, shelf stable milk, spaghetti sauce and dried beans. Meat was not readily available when the pantry’s order was placed.  Mozzarella cheese, on the other hand, was plentiful. 

Here are the comparative statistics:

                       May 28, 2020      May 30, 2019

Households          156                      204

Adults                   192                      282

Seniors                   79                      109

Children                  85                      138

Individuals             356                     529

New                         10                         2

Wishing you all the best of health and perhaps a bit of rain for the gardens!

’til next time,
