Michelle Keyo

  • Donate Today

    Donate with PayPal or your credit card by clicking the button below.

  • Donate with Clynk

    Pick up your free pre-tagged bags at the TurnStyle desk on Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday from 10am -3pm or grab them from the box outside the door anytime. Learn more about CLYNK.

    Clynk bottle returns

  • TurnStyle Gift Certificates

    Purchase a gift certificate for yourself or a friend to support the Tree of Life food pantry.

    Buy a Gift Certificate

  • Hours + Phone Numbers

    Tree of Life Food Pantry
    Phone: 374-2900
    Thursdays: 9am-1pm

    TurnStyle Thrift Shop
    Phone: 374-9181
    Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, from 10am-3pm

    Tuesday: 10am – 3pm
    Thursday: 10am – 3pm
    Saturday: 10am – 3pm
  • Donate with Amazon

    Whenever you shop Amazon, go through Amazon Smile and .5% of you purchase will be donated to us.